enterprise IT management

What is Enterprise IT Management?

Enterprise IT Management is a key asset that helps support the various demands of complex organizations. The software facilitates the management of multifaceted companies which often have infrastructures that are scattered geographically. Read on to learn the basics of this invaluable technology.

Streamlining Operational Efficiencies

Enterprise IT management involves crafting IT management to enhance business value. In general, EITM aims to support only the IT activities that provide optimal value to a business. In aid of this principle, unified service models help IT departments integrate technologies into daily business operations.

Experts often describe this as providing a birds-eye view or a complex schematic of a business’s IT services. Besides designing and tracking business services in IT, EITM also delivers governance and enhanced security management. This helps companies obtain a clearer picture of what IT services are best pursued. It can also help them decide whether to support a particular data center, database, server farm, VOIP setup, etc.

Enterprise IT Management helps medium- to large-sized companies function more efficiently while minimizing wasted time and money. It also frees up personnel so they can focus their talents on helping a company succeed and grow.

EITM is considered a key part of a collective optimization strategy that includes multiple enterprise management systems (EMS). There are three basic kinds of EMS:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): This refers to software that manages a business’s interactions with its existing and prospective customers. The primary goals of CRM are to keep companies connected to clients and customers, streamline processes and enhance their profitability.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): This is designed to facilitate processes across several business functions. It allows companies to eliminate duplications and discrepancies while accessing and sharing data in real-time.

Supply Chain Management (SCM): This refers to software that effectively manages the flow of data, goods and finances related to a given product. It starts at the beginning with the purchase of basic raw materials and continues to the eventual delivery of the final product.

One of the top advantages of EMS is that it can support the most complex business operations and IT infrastructure using fewer IT professionals. Because it comes bundled in a single package, EMS is simpler and easier to manage. Even the biggest companies can enhance collaboration, streamline their processes and increase efficiency across many different teams.

Because they are often cloud-based, EMS systems offer impressive scalability without needless IT complexity. Global corporations often find that EMS systems simplify international trade management across contractors, suppliers, partners and customers. Since EMS provides real-time metrics, business decisions can be made faster using the most up-to-date and accurate information.

While Enterprise IT Management focuses primarily on information technology, a complete Enterprise Management System integrates inventory management, human resource management, financial management and sales into one platform, providing access to essential data for employees and management.

This results in a number of other key benefits, including:

Simpler Business Planning

EMS allows companies to easily create business plans and track how well an organization is pursuing its goals.

With it, business managers can check production, monitor expenses, and evaluate customer satisfaction stats. It’s typically only a simple matter of viewing a dashboard that presents the data in easily digestible tables and charts.

Most systems can also alert you to issues, such as low inventory or a sudden rise in defects.

Better Flexibility and Productivity

One of the main benefits of EMS is that it essentially automates key processes, which allows a company’s employees to be more productive. For example, EMS has the ability to send out sales emails, handle payroll and even automatically replenish inventory.

Another big benefit is that the system is able to organize data in one place, providing instant access whatever the location. Every worker can retrieve information to do their jobs even if they are working in the field or from home.

Improved Compliance and Record-Keeping

By leveraging EMS, companies are able to streamline compliance and record-keeping. The risk of data theft or data loss is mitigated because of EMS’s integrated security system. What’s more, stored information is always available in case a business needs to prove anything to a regulatory body.

While very important, both Enterprise IT Management and EMS are only two critical components of comprehensive workflow solutions that help organizations gain a competitive edge in their marketplaces. If you want to reduce needless waste, streamline your workflow and prevent opportunity costs, you must invest in optimizing every part of your company’s daily operations.

Interested in streamlining your day-to-day operational efficiencies and securing your organization’s systems? We can help. At Fisher Technology, we manage servers, mobile applications, mobile devices, computers, network equipment and cloud environments. We can help shield your company from malware, hackers and ransomware while enhancing your operational efficiencies with innovative workflow solutions including electronic document automation. Contact our experts to learn more.


  1. Chimezie Festus on May 18, 2024 at 6:43 am

    What will graduate of EITM work as in the industry and which industry will be the best for him or her?

  2. Chimezie Festus on May 18, 2024 at 6:45 am

    Can EITM work in the oil industry or work in healthcare sector?

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