Fisher's Technology document automation solutions

Why Choose Fisher’s – DA Focused

You may ask yourself… Why choose Fisher’s Technology for all your office needs? We recently had a customer experience that you may connect with, showing that Fisher’s Technology is a great choice to partner with.

Customer Example: Impact Sales

Impact Sales recently concluded an HR workflow automation project for their job-applicant tracking and employee on-boarding processes.  Prior to this project, all employee documentation had been fully paper-based and required multiple levels of data-entry.  Many of these data-entry points overlapped, reducing accuracy and increasing turn-around time.  Impact Sales prides themselves on a dynamic work environment, so they were keenly focused on improving the job-candidate selection process and the ability for their hiring managers to find and secure the greatest talent.

With the new Fisher’s solution, a job-applicant can easily complete an online application that automatically routes the HR and hiring managers for review and consideration in real time, based on their qualifications.  If hired, this new employee receives all their on-boarding and benefits documentation seamlessly and without delay, including a pre-populated offer letter and triggered email notifications to all parties.

Other email notifications are sent to their IT department for important tasks such as setting up a new employee security profile, email address, requests for software licensing and any other necessary access/permissions.  And all employee documentation can be now be digitally authorized from anywhere through DocuSign, greatly improving their flexibility and reach to their candidates and leadership throughout the country.

Impact Sales doesn’t plan to stop there either.  Fisher’s is now a trusted partner will continue to advise within other key departments and document-centric initiatives well into the future.


We are so happy that we could help you find the right solution for your business!

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